After hours of research online I finally learned all of the terminology I needed to decode my quilt instructions. Once I was able to get started I had a lot of fun with this project but I am glad that it is finally complete. It turned out even better than I had hoped for. So here it is the finished quilt!! Oh yeah and I made the pillow sham to match. I just bought a $3.00 plan white pillow sham from Wal-Mart and used my fabric scraps and there you have it a super cute pillow sham. Also this is a sneak peak at londons new Big Girl room. it isn't finished yet but I did get her all moved in so I can start on the nursery. I painted the walls to match the blue in her quilt and I even refinish her bed. The bed was mine when I was little so I repainted it and eve refinished a dresser which you will see when I get the room all done. For now here is the quilt.
2 days ago